
About Me

Hi!  Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and learn a little about me.  If you're here, you're probably asking yourself "who is this chubby guy who thinks he knows anything about running?" Well, truth be told, first of all, I knew very little about running.  Sorry, hate to disappoint, but I'm just being honest here.  What I do know is all of the things that worked for me when I first started running, and all of the things that didn't.  That's why I started this blog.  As recently as August, 2010, I was in really poor shape.  5'9, 213 lbs.  Yeah.  On the plus side, there was a whole lo of me to love.  On the down side, I had already had gallbladder surgery at age 31.  So I was looking at a pretty short life expectancy, not to mention that fact that I was winded after a trip to the bathroom.  So I decided to do something about it.  At first, I started dieting.  That worked a little bit, but I wasn’t seeing the progress I had hoped for.  So I started running (well, fast walking, really).  And then I fell in love with it.  I went from running a 15-minute mile to skyrocketing my distance all the way up to two miles in less than 30 minutes.  Hey, that was a big deal at the time.  Currently, I am regularly running up to 6 miles at a clip for fun at about an 8:55 pace.  I have, thus far, run as far as 13.5 miles in one trip, and regularly run up to 9 miles when I have the time.  And I always try to make the time.  I ran my first race on April 2, 2011, at the Springtime Tallahassee 10K.  I ran my second race on April 16, 2011 at the Palace Saloon 5K.  My current goal is to run the Go St. Louis Marathon in 2012.  In the meantime, I have fallen in love with all things running, and I've caught the racing bug.  I started this blog to share what I've learned and hopefully inspire others to get off the couch and see that they can do it, too.